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Talks & Posters


  1. Entanglement detection using testers, Conference The multiple facets of quantum clonning, 11-13th July 2023, LPT, Toulouse, talk

  2. On random POVMs, Mega program at Henri Poicare Institute, Paris, 30th June, 2023, talk

  3. ​ Entanglement detection via projective tensor norms, Quantum Days in IFIN, April 25-27 2023, on-line talk

  4. Participation at Smart Diaspora 2023, Workshop "Lumea în era tehnologiei profunde (deep tech): rolul Big Data È™i al InteligenÈ›ei artificiale în adresarea provocărilor societale", April 2023

  5.  Entanglement detection via projective tensor norms,    “Functional Analysis and Quantum Information” at ICMAT (Madrid),  March 20- March 24, 2023, poster



  1. Order preserving maps on quantum measurements, The 28th International Conference in Operator Theory, 27th June-1st July, Timisoara, talk

  2. Order preserving maps on quantum measurements, Essquises Summer Schoole, 4-8 July, 2022, talk

  3. Order preserving maps on quantum measurements, Xveme Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathematiques Appliquees, Toulouse, august 2022, talk




  1. Structural Properties of Quantum Incompatibility ”, Conference Quantum Information Processing, Munchen, February 2021, poster-online

  2. Entanglement criterion in QIT, Operator Theory Seminar, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy , June, 2021, talk-online



Covid lockdown



  1. On random POVMs,  Summer  School on Generalized Probability Theories and Quantum Information Theory, L'Université de Lyon 1, June 2019, talk

  2. On random POVMs, Mathematical Physics Seminar, LPT, Paul-Sabatier University, Toulouse, June 2019, talk

  3.  Participation at Journées IOPS 2019, Le Teich – June 2019



maternity leave


  1. Sisteme dinamice in teoria informatie cuantice, Conferinta "Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania",  Timisoara, Romania, April 25-28 2016, talk

  2. Entanglement citeria,  The 26th International Conference in Operator Theory, 27th June-2st July, Timisoara, talk

  3. Entanglement citeria, 15th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences `'Theodor Angheluta Seminar`', ​Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 5-7th, 2026, talk 




  1. Participation at "Quantum Unconference", organized by Teiko Heinosaari, octomber 2015, Lapland, Finland

  2. Thresholds for entanglement criteria in quantum information theory , Conference „Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information Theory”, September 9-11, Toulouse 2015, France (talk)

  3. Reduction criterion in quantum information theory, Seminar for the QIT Group from  Academy of Science  Bratislava, Slovacia, Noiembre 30,  2015 (talk)

  4. Thresholds for entanglement criteria in quantum information theory,  22 edition Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, July 6-10, Worsow 2015, Poland(  talk)



  1. On the reduction criterion for random quantum states, Mathematical Physics Seminar, May 2014 Tehnical University Munchen, talk

  2. On the reduction criterion for random quantum states, 12th edition of, Conference on Quantum Computation, Measurements and Communication, Hefei, China, Novembre, 2014 (poster)

  3. Participation at School of Operator spaces, Noncommutative probability and Quantum groups, Metabief organised by Laboratoire de Methematic de Besancson, France, 1-12 December, 2014




  1. The SDP based Algorithm for Localization problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, Universitatea Politehnica TimiÅŸoara, 2012, România (poster)



Talks during my phd thesis and shortly after



  1. A review of the central spin model dynamics, Research Center in Quantum Information of The Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovacia, Octombrie 25, 2009, talk 

  2. The exact solution of the operator-difference equation with noncommutative and nonconstant coefficients, Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Octombre 15/17 2009, talk

  3. Participation at Summer school on Quantum Information, organised by the Research Center in Quantum Information of The Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovacia, Septembre 21/27 2009

  4. M.A. Jivulescu “The central spin model” ESI Junior Fellow Day, October 5, 2009, Talk

  5.  M.A. Jivulescu “The general solution of the r-generalized Fibonacci matrix recurrence equation with noncommutative coefficients”  Satellite Workshop - Algebraic Theory of Difference Equations 11 - 15 May 2009 , University of Leeds, UK , Poster

  6. M.A. Jivulescu -“On the Bethe ansatz procedure of studying the dynamics of central spin models-The Third School and Workshop on the Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, Bressanone-Italy,          February 16-21, 2009, Talk

  7. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina -“Diagonalization and time evolution of the central spin model”- Scientific meeting “Quantum information, quantum coherence and related topics” at Department of Physics of Waseda  University, Tokyo, Japan, September 16-18 2008, Talk

  8. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina -“Exact dynamics  and localization effects in a disordered spins star system” - Anderson Localization Transition: Introductory Training Course, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, July 14-24  2008, Poster

  9. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina -“Dynamical evolution of a spin 1/2-particle coupled to N noninteracting spins”- The 40th Symposium of Mathematical Physics, June 25-28  2008 Torun, Poland,  Poster

  10. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina -“Exact dynamics of a disordered spins star system” 15-th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics,  Belgrade, Serbia, May 30 - June 3, 2008, Talk

  11. A. Messina, A. Napoli, E. Ferraro, M. A. Jivulescu -“Entanglement in spin star systems” Workshop "Bits, Quanta, and Complex Systems: modern approaches to photonic information processing" at Solvey Institute Brussels, Belgium, April 30 -  May 3 2008, Poster

  12. R. Migliore, M.Scala, M.A. Jivulescu, A. Messina -“Spontaneous emission for two interacting qubits coupled to independent reservoirs” 4th International Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero “Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons” May 19-23  2008, Torino, Italy, Poster

  13. M. A. Jivulescu, R. Migliore -“Dynamical localization in 1D lattices driven by dc-bichromatic electric fields” - 14-th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics,  Palermo, Italy, June 1-5, 2007, Poster.

  14. M. A. Jivulescu, E. Papp -“On the dynamic localization conditions for dc-ac electric fields” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on applied mathematics and computer science, Cluj-Napoca Baisoara, Romania, 2006, Talk.

  15. M. A. Jivulescu -“Conditions for dynamical localization for dc-trigonal electric field in the case of a long range intersite interactions”- CAM5 - Fifth International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Baia Mare, Romania, 2006, Talk.

  16. M. A. Jivulescu -“Dynamical localization of a charged particle in a generalized electric field” published in “ACTA UNIVERSITATIS APULENSIS” the Proceeding of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics ICTAMI 2005, Alba-Iulia, Romania, Talk.

  17. M. Neagu, M. A. Jivulescu -“Direct sections of distributions application to distributional equation” Proceeding of the 10th symposium of mathematics and its applications, Timisoara, Romania, 2003 Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara, Romania, Talk.


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