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List of publications



  1. M.A. Jivulescu, C. Lancien, I. Nechita, Multipartite Entanglement Detection Via Projective Tensor Norms. ANN. Henri Poincaré (2022),

  2. T. Heinosaari, M.A. Jivulescu, I. Nechita, Order preserving maps on quantum measurements, volume 6, page 853, 2022

  3. T. Heinosaari, M.A. Jivulescu, I. Nechita, Random positive operator valued measures, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS , 61, 042202, 2020

  4. Sergey Filippov, Kamil Magadov, M.A. Jivulescu Absolutely separating quantum maps and channels, NEW J. Phys. 19, 083010, 2017

  5. M.A. Jivulescu, I. Nechita, P. Gavruta, On symmetric decompositions of positive operators,  J. PHYS. A: Math. Theor. 50 165303, 2017

  6. M.A. Jivulescu, N. Lupa, I. Nechita Thresholds for Reduction-Related Entanglemnt Criteria in Quantum Information Theory – QUANTUM INFORMATION and COMPUTATION, Vol 15, Nr. 13/14, pag1165-1184, 2015

  7. M.A. Jivulescu, N. Lupa, I. Nechita, D. Reeb Positive reduction from spectra, LINEAR ALGEBRA and its APPLICATIONS, Volume 469,, Pag. 276–304, doi:10.1016/j.laa.2014.11.031, 2015

  8. M.A. Jivulescu, N. Lupa, I. Nechita On the reduction criterion for random quantum states, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, Volume: 55,  Issue: 11,  Article Number: 112203-1-27, NOV 2014

  9. M.A. Jivulescu, A. Messina Exact treatment of operator difference equations with nonconstant and noncommutative coefficients, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS , Volume: 82 , Issue: 1, Pag. 149-160 ,Special Issue: SI , DOI: 10.1007/s10665-012-9602-9, oct 2013

  10. T. Heinosaari, M.A. Jivulescu, D. Reeb, M.M. Wolf Extending quantum operations JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ,Volume: 53   Issue: 1  Article Number: 102208 ,  oct 2012

  11. M. A. Jivulescu, A. Napoli, A. Messina General solution of a second order non-homogenous linear difference equation with noncommutative coefficients, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pag. 1-14, 2010

  12. Teiko Heinosaari, M. A. Jivulescu, Daniel Reitzner, and Mario Ziman Approximating incompatible von Neumann measurements simultaneously, PHYS. REV. A 82, 032328, 2010.

  13. M.A. Jivulescu, A. Messina, A. Napoli, F. Petruccione Exact treatment of linear difference equations with non-commutative coefficients MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 30; 2147-2153, 2007

  14. M.A. Jivulescu, A. Napoli, A. Messina Elementary symmetric functions of two solvents of a quadratic matrix equation REPORTS on MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 62, 3, 369-387, 2008

  15. E. Ferraro, H.-P. Breuer, A.Napoli, M.A. Jivulescu, A. Messina  Non-Markovian dynamics of a single electron spin coupled to a nuclear spin bath PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78, 6, 064309 -1-8, 2008

  16. R. Messina, M. A. Jivulescu, A. Messina, A. Napoli Riccati equation-based generalization of Dawson's integral function MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 30; 2055-2064, 2007

  17. M. A. Jivulescu, E. Papp On the dynamic localization conditions for dc-ac electric field proceeding beyond the nearest-neighbour description JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Condensed Matter 18, 6853-6857, 2006

  18. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina Exact dynamics of XX central spin models PHYSICA SCRIPTA-Special Topics, T135, 014040-1-4, 2009 2008

  19. M.A. Jivulescu, E. Ferraro, A. Napoli, A. Messina Dynamical behaviour of an XX central spin model through BETHE ANSATZ tehniques REPORTS on MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 64, 1-2, 315-327, 2008

  20. E. Ferraro, M. A. Jivulescu, A. Napoli, A. Messina W- like states of N uncoupled spins 1/2, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS -Special Topics, 160; 157-164, 2008

  21. M. Guccione, M.A. Jivulescu, A. Messina, Unitary decoupling treatment of a quadratic bimodal cavity quantum electrodynamics model PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: T153 Article Number: 014032, MAR 2013

  22. M.A. Jivulescu, R. Migliore, A. Messina Electromagnetic control of dynamical localization conditions in 1D lattices with long-range intersite interactions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION,7, 149-157, 2009

  23. R. I. Rusnac, M.A. Jivulescu, Wireless Sensor Network Node Localization via Second Order Cone Programming , Conference: 10th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC) Location: Timisoara, ROMANIA Date: NOV 15-16, 2012 , 2012 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Pag. 191-194, 2012

  24. M.A. Jivulescu, P. Găvruţa, Indices of sharpness for Parceval frames, quantum effects and observables, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universitaţii Politehnica din Timişoara, Volum (74), 2, pp 17-29, 2015



Phd Thesis: Operator-difference equations and their applications in quantum mechanics”, Editura Politehnica, TimiÅŸoara, 2008 (200 pages) ISBN 978-973-625-783-4






1. M. A. Jivulescu -“Operator-difference equations and their applications on quantum mechanics”, Publishing House Editura Politehnica, Timisoara, 2008


2.  N. Cofan, M. A. Jivulescu -“Differential Equation-exercises collection”, Timisoara, Publishing House Solness, Timisoara, 2006.


3.  I. Mihut, M. A. Jivulescu -“Linear algebra, analytical and differential geometry-exercises collection” Publishing House Editura Politehnica, Timisoara, 2006


4.  M. Neagu, N. Cofan, M. A. Jivulescu -“Linear algebra, analytical and differential geometry-exercises collection” Publishing House Mirton, Timisoara, 2003.

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